CEEMS Director Lynn Hodge and TPTE Graduate Assistants Ashley Walther and Michael Lawson attended this year’s 11th Annual Tennessee STEM Research Conference in Murfreesboro, TN. The purpose of the conference is to engage researchers and collaborators across the state in discussions about current research efforts to improve STEM teaching and learning.
Ashley Walther and Dr. Lynn Hodge developed a research presentation from a study on teachers’ experiences of planning and implementing a social justice mathematics lesson, and how tensions arose while teachers tried to attend to the mathematical and social justice goals of the lesson.
Michael Lawson, Ashley Walther, and Dr.Lynn Hodge co-developed a research presentation for the Math Counts project with Gale Stanley from Campbell County Schools. This session focused on initial impact of the second year of the Math Counts summer institute (Math Counts 2) on teacher content and pedagogical learning, and critical resources from the professional development that support teachr learning.
Michael Lawson and Lynn Hodge also developed a rapid talk session, discussing results and lessons learned from building home-school partnerships through Family Math.
Authors and Presentation Titles for each session are described below:
- Ashley Walther and Lynn Hodge—Leveraging the Local Community in math Class: A Teacher’s Tale
- Gale Stanley (Campbell County schools), Michael Lawson, Ashley Walther, and Lynn Hodge—Examining Teacher Learning and Critical Resources in the Context of Mathematical Professional Development
- Michael Lawson and Lynn Hodge—Building Home-School Partnerships in High School: Lessons Learned from Family Math Night